Little things …

When we first met
I was down and low
With no zest for life
No get up and go

A survivor at best,
I struggled each day
No future horizons
And darkness held sway

Saddened and lonely
Uncertain and blue
My life lacked direction
And focus its true

Then a small light appeared
Sparked by kind words
Supported by actions
That cut through my curse

Those deeds were from you
And as small as they seem
They brought me great hope
And rebuilt self esteem

You probably know not
The influence you had
In making someone happy
That was previously sad

But its there nonetheless
And I am no longer down
I thank you so much
For a life turned around


Written on behalf of a previously depressed person wishing to express their gratitude to someone, who incrementally improved their life through little random acts of kindness that collectively made a difference. What you may deem ‘Little Things’ can be a big deal to those living in the gloom of depression. I hope this brings inspiration…

Copyright Alan Carter and

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2 Responses to Little things …

  1. What a glorious and most marvelous bit of shared tribute n gratitude for someone who’s light sparked YOURS most precious!!! namaste and so love your prose dear fellow soul scribe!! XXXX B

    • acarter says:

      Hello Barb,

      I am again overwhelmed and humbled by your generous thoughts and support for the work done on this simple website.

      Namaste indeed dear kindred spirit.

      Alan C x

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