Author Archives: acarter

The Tree of YOUR Life…

Your actions throughout your life journey, including those in the building of ‘your monument’ (, determine the body or ‘trunk’ of your tree. Your thoughts and words and deeds are the fruit of your tree. If they are pure then … Continue reading

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Artificial Iintelligence as ‘The Antichrist’ – Interesting discussions with ChatGPT!

Q1. Define the teachings, authority, and redemptive mission of Jesus Christ Answer: The teachings, authority, and redemptive mission of Jesus Christ form the core beliefs of Christianity and are central to the Christian faith. These elements are based on the … Continue reading

Posted in Philosophy, Visions of the Future | Leave a comment

How to destroy a Planet – Climate Change…

Clearly the systems of Capitalism, Communism, Industrialisation and social, ethical and wealth differentiation between the World’s Peoples has failed. Ah the true price of personal gain, making a profit and desiring power over others since time immemorial!

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The World and Illegal Immigration

Although developed Nations are not ready for it… The analogy is quite simple really! Or is it? You are in a boat… The person you see in the sea is crying for help. Do you pull them into the boat… … Continue reading

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What if we had started as a global, rather than fragmented society?

Some thoughts! Under ‘The world as a global system’ and to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals… Where would you sensibly place the global population? Where would you place global food crops and storage of harvests? Where would you … Continue reading

Posted in A United Spiritual World, Philosophy, Visions of the Future | Leave a comment

Do not let your Christian belief be eroded…

I asked for some guidance today. The ‘Good News Bible’ I own, (one of several different makes and versions I have), opened at MALACHI 2-7 with the scripture “It is the duty of priests to teach the true knowledge of … Continue reading

Posted in A United Spiritual World, News, Philosophy, Visions of the Future | Leave a comment

Changing a dying world…

The Mental Health of our youngsters and more mentally vulnerable workforce is constantly under attack, with the demotivating stories of doom and gloom, constantly being relayed in the media. We need to give them aim and purpose, so they feel … Continue reading

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Hard times calls for hard faith…

Worry not about these hard times. Your faith is being tested. But you can still be an example to others. Whoever you are remember there are others who are much worse off. So much so they have no home, no … Continue reading

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Got pinged and don’t believe it… Don’t delete the App – Get Tested!

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